This information is for Clubs and Coaches. Interested in registering? Please speak to your Club!

AGC invites your Club to join us for our annual Ed Vincent Invitational in 2025.
February 6-9, 2025
Location: Seven Chiefs Sportplex
19 Bullhead Rd. (click for map)
October 22 - WAG registration is FULL - please add athletes to the WAITLIST
Nov 22 - MAG is now Trials to Westerns. Earlybird deadline is now Dec 15.
Shannon Hilton, Event Coordinator:
WAG levels 1 -10; Xcel Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond
MAG levels: P1, P2, P3
WAG levels 3 and up and Xcel Silver and up - Medals for 1st - 3rd, Ribbons for 4th – 8th on each event and AA.
WAG levels 1 and 2 and Xcel Bronze – Bronze, Silver & Gold ribbons on each event and AA medal based on score.
MAG - All levels - Medals for 1st - 3rd, Ribbons for 4th – 8th on each event and AA.
NEW this year: Gymgear Suits for WAG and T-shirts for MAG athletes registered by December 1.
Fees & Registration:
All registrations are to be submitted via Kscore:
Early Bird Pricing:
If registered and paid by Nov 2, 2024:
WAG levels 3-10, Aspire, Xcel Silver & up, all MAG levels = $160/Athlete
WAG levels 1, 2, Xcel Bronze = $150/Athlete
Fees go up $15 on Nov 2, 2024
If registered and paid by Dec 15, 2024:
All MAG levels = $160/Athlete
Fees go up $15 on Dec 16, 2024.
Suits will not be ordered for any WAG athlete registered after Dec 1.
T-shirts will not be ordered for any MAG athlete registered after Dec 15.
Registration closes Jan 10, 2025. If registering after the early bird deadline, payment is due Jan 10, 2025.
Preferred method of payment is by EMT to
Credit card payments are by phone only and are subject to a 5% processing fee.
Cheques can be made out to Altadore Gymnastic Club and mailed to Altadore Gymnastic Club: 128, 10905 48th St SE Calgary, AB. T2C2G8.
Cancellation Policy:
Refunds will be given for medical reasons only. A refund request must be sent via the Scratch Form and accompanied by a Doctor’s note. Notes from Physiotherapists, Naturopaths, etc. will NOT be accepted.
Refunds will be processed within two business days prior to Feb 5 (EMT only. If refunds are required by cheque, they will be sent after the event).
All refunds are subject to a $30 cancellation fee (suit/t-shirt will still be provided, if registered before Dec 1).
No refunds after Feb 5.
In lieu of individual consent/waiver forms, it is assumed that by registering and paying for your athletes that the parent(s) of the athletes have already signed the AGF waiver and PIPA forms.
If you are from outside of Alberta or a non-AGF Club, please fill out the Waivers from our website:
Must be uploaded to Kscore, and will be played by our Coaches/Volunteers.
Daily admission prices are as follows (Cash, Debit or Credit cards accepted at the door):
Children under 5: free
Youth 6-17: $5
Adult: $10
Senior: $5
-Athletes do not pay admission-
Gymages by Frostad Photography will be at Seven Chiefs taking candids of the athletes during the competition.
We recommend the Grey Eagle Resort & Casino. They no longer offer discounts on blocks of rooms.