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Recreational Program FAQ

Youโ€™ve Got Questionsโ€”Weโ€™ve Got Answers

NEW! Download our app for easy access to your portal!

Questions that aren't covered on this page?

Email Brie with class, levels, and coach inquiries:

Email Katina with billing & account inquiries:
Email Carol with general Customer Service inquiries:

Email Shannon about Gym Management inquiries (the big stuff!):

Thank you for your interest in Altadore Gymnastic Club!
Here are some answers to the most commonly asked questions.


Our Facility
Our facility consists of two separate gyms, with one lobby. Most recreational classes are in our brand new 'Rec Gym'. Intermediate classes, T&T Classes and our InterClub train in our "Comp Gym".

Shoes must be removed before entering our viewing areas.


Our "Season"
Our classes run from September until the end of August (not June!). Your child can join at any time.

How does billing work? 
When you register, you pay for the first month and insurance. Fees are prorated if you join mid-month. Registration is immediate and your child will start right away.

Billing is automated on the 1st of each month for the following month. Please keep your credit card information updated to avoid a $30 NSF fee for declined cards. You can update your card details anytime via the portal. You have the flexibility to update your credit card details at any time by accessing the portal.

Our prices are based on four classes a month and we do not charge more for months with five classes. We prorate for days we are closed if you have less than 4 classes that month. 


How do I withdraw my child?
Fill out the Withdrawal Request Form. Withdrawal requests must be received by the 27th of the month to be dropped for the following month. No refunds after payments have been processed without a Doctor's note.


How do Waitlists work? 
If the desired class is full, you can add your child to the waitlist. We review waitlists daily and will notify you via email if a spot opens up. You will have 24 hours to respond; otherwise, your child will be removed from the waitlist, and the next person will be contacted.
We work 7 days a week, so you may be emailed on the weekend. 
Regularly check your email to avoid missing out. If you miss the email, you can rejoin the waitlist. If we don't receive responses to three consecutive waitlist emails, your child will be removed from all waitlists. This process ensures fairness and efficiency.

What is the AGF Insurance fee for? 

To comply with the Alberta Gymnastics Federation, a mandatory insurance fee and a small AGC membership fee are charged to each athlete, valid from July 1 to June 30. For 2024-2025, the fee is $60 per Recreational Athlete ($45 if paid between April 1, 2025 - June 30, 2025).

AGF members, except for drop-in, birthday party, and promotional participants, can be reimbursed for medical expenses from injuries during AGF activities, after their primary insurance is exhausted. Immediate expenses like ambulance fees and crutches may also be covered.

What should my child wear? 
Your children do not need to wear anything special, just comfy clothes (shorts and t-shirts work fine). Some girls do wear gym suits, but that's completely optional. We have some gym suits in our Pro Shop if you want to come early and take a look.

Is there room in a class for my child? 
If it says 'Register' beside a class, there's space. If it says 'Waitlist', it is full. Adding your child to the waitlist lets us know how many more children are interested, and if possible, we may open another class.

What is the cost? 
All our prices are listed on our website beside the class on the registration pages.

Does your child want to do more than one class a week? We offer a 15% discount on the 2nd (or more) classes!


Do you do trial classes? 
We have a risk free first class policy! If your child doesn't love the class after their first class, we will refund you in full, including the insurance fee. 

What are your Refund Policies? 
**NO REFUNDS**  for withdrawals without a Doctor's note after the second class. Withdrawals for other circumstances will be credited to your online account.
No credits, refunds, or makeup classes will be given for missed classes due to sickness, vacations, etc.
No credits/refunds can be given for the AGF Insurance fee after the second class.
AGC reserves the right to cancel or change classes and Coaches based on class size and Coach availability. Refunds WILL be given for classes that don't run. 

My child has to miss a class, do you offer makeup classes? 
Due to Coach to Participant ratios and a very full schedule, we do not offer makeup classes.

You can submit an absence from the Member portal:

  • Click on the 3 lines on the top right and select 'Absences'

  • Then click on the green 'Submit Absences' button.

  • You cannot edit or delete the absences, so if you make a mistake, please email us!


We will be away for a month - do you freeze accounts?
Sorry, due to full classes and waitlists, we do not freeze accounts. You can withdraw and reenroll when you are back but the class might be full. The only way to keep your child's spot, is to continue paying for the spot.

What happens if I'm late to pick up my child?   
Please ensure that you arrive on time to pick up your child. Often, Coaches need to start another class right away and we can not be responsible for your child after their class time. Late pick ups may result in a $1/minute late charge after a 5 minute grace period. This fee will be automatically charged to your family account.

Can I register now but not start until next month? 
Not for classes that are currently happening, sorry. Because of our very limited spaces available, all our registrations are for immediate enrollment (unless you are registering for classes that haven't started yet). If you want to wait until the following month, you can register a few days prior to the beginning of the month if there's a spot available. ie. If you want a Thursday class, wait until after the last Thursday class in the month, and register then.

I don't have a credit card. How can I pay? 
No problem! You can send an Email Transfer to to pay. Remember payment is due by the 1st of every month, and the first payment needs to be done at time of registration.

Are there classes today/this Monday/next week? 
Please see the calendar at the top of this page. Drop-In Schedules can be found on our website HERE.

My child doesn't meet the age requirement right now, can they still register? 
If your child doesn't make the age requirement at the time of registration, but will turn the correct age within 2 weeks of the class starting, you can still register but you will have to call admin: 403-720-2711 or email:

I don't know what level I should register my child in. 
Please read the class descriptions on the website. If you would like to schedule an assessment, please fill out the Assessment Form


How will I know how my child is progressing?
For children aged 6 & up in our CanGym program (Beginner, Novice, Intermediate Gymnastics) and CanJump Program (Trampoline & Tumbling), we do regular skill updates. You can see the weeks that skills will be updated on our calendar on the top of this page. You will not get emails when they complete a skill, but can see them in the portal. You will be emailed when they complete a level, and be instructed to pick up a sticker and if it's time to change levels.


We have been told to move my child up to the next level. How do I do that?  
Please look online for the the class you want, and fill out the Transfer Form. Do not do the enrollment yourself, or your child will be in two classes. If they class you want is full, you can add your child to the waitlist on the portal

Do you have classes for my XX year old? 
Yes! Please check our website for information and ages for all our classes.


Can I bring a sibling to my child's parented classes?
Unfortunately not. No siblings will be allowed on the floor during another child's registered class. This includes babies. Babies in carriers/strollers are not allowed on the gym floor at anytime (including Drop-in).

Do we need to fill out a waiver? 
Yes, and they are done online! If you are attending a Parent & Child class, the parent needs to do the ADULT waiver.

I have another question that isn't listed here. Please email

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